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Whether our students choose to head to Medical Schools, Physician Assistant Programs, Pharmacy Programs, Dental Schools, Veterinary Medicine Programs, Physical Therapy Programs, or Graduate Schools, we are passionate about helping them meet their goals. As advisors, we work one on one with our students to help them meet the appropriate coursework requirements for each program, discuss the application process, write letters of recommendation, and track their progress. As a result, our department is extremely successful at placing our students in a wide variety of post-undergraduate programs. In fact, our placement rate for Medical Schools is above 95 percent!

Pre-Medicine & Pre-Veterinary Preparation

Students wishing to enter Medical Schools, Physician Assistant Programs, Pharmacy Programs, Dental Schools, Veterinary Schools, and Physical Therapy Schools need to begin by consulting an advisor. An advisor can help you tailor your degree to meet the admission requirements of the school or program in which you are interested. Typically, in addition to completing the core requirements for the Bachelor's degree, and taking specialized coursework in the biological sciences, students in this track complete the following additional courses:

  • MATH 151: Calculus I
  • MATH 152: Calculus II
  • CHEM 311 & CHEM 311L: Organic Chemistry I and Organic Chemistry Lab I
  • CHEM 312 & CHEM 312 L: Organic Chemistry II and Organic Chemistry Lab II
  • CHEM 315 & CHEM 315 L: Biochemistry and Biochemistry Lab 

A concentration in Cellular, Molecular, and Developmental Biology includes all of the needed coursework as well as a suggested course sequencing designed to prepare students for success on the MCAT or VCAT exams.  For more information on this degree path, please contact the BIOL/PES Office (WS232) at 970.248.1993 or speak to the medical science advisor or veterinary advisor listed below.

Graduate School Preparation

Students wishing to pursue a master's degree or a doctoral degree need to work closely with their advisors. This ensures that they will meet the admission requirements of the specific programs in which they are interested. In addition to completing the core requirements for the Bachelor's degree in Biological Sciences, and taking specialized coursework in the biological sciences, students in this track usually need to complete the following additional courses:

  • MATH 151: Calculus I
  • MATH 152: Calculus II
  • CHEM 311 & CHEM 311L: Organic Chemistry I and Organic Chemistry Lab I
  • CHEM 312 & CHEM 312 L: Organic Chemistry II and Organic Chemistry Lab II

A concentration in Cellular, Molecular, and Developmental Biology or a concentration in Ecology, Evolution, and Organismal Biology, depending upon your interests, can help you fulfill the requirements for entering graduate school.  For more information on this degree path, please contact the BIOL/PES Office (WS232) at 970.248.1993 or speak to one of the graduate school advisors listed below.

Medical Science Advisors

Dr. Megan Sherbenou, Dr. Zeynep Ozsoy, and Dr. Kyle McQuade specialize in working with pre-professional students preparing to enter medically-oriented professional schools such as Medical, Dental, Physician Assistant, Pharmacy, Physical Therapy Schools.

Pre-Veterinary Advisors

Dr. Patrice Connors works with students interested in entering vet school upon graduating from CMU.

Graduate School Advisors

Dr. Margot Becktell, Dr. Kyle McQuade, Dr. Zeynep Oszoy, Dr. Matt Stansbury, Dr. Amanda Stahlke, Dr. Stephen Stern, Dr. Denita Weeks, Dr. Steve Werman, Dr. Johanna Varner, and Dr. Tom Walla all work with students who would like to pursue their master's and/or doctoral degrees.